LA GRANDE TRAVERSÉE DES 4000 DU MONT ROSE from 19 August to 23 August

Technical level
Mountain range : Monte Rosa, Italy
5 days
2 people (1 places available)
Prices : 2100,00 €
[ + More information about fees ]

For made-up groups of more than 2 people (possible regarding snow conditions), price on request.

Cette grande traversée du massif du Mont Rose, qui se situe à cheval entre la Suisse et l’Italie, est unique en son genre.
Les paysages glaciaires vous marqueront ; les grands espaces, le silence et la lumière intense y impriment en effet une ambiance très particulière.
Des refuges confortables haut perchés vous offriront repos, quiétude et vues imprenables sur les magnifiques 4000 m du Mont rose.
Ce véritable voyage en haute altitude exige une bonne condition physique et une expérience en alpinisme.
Si vous avez conquis le toit des Alpes, laissez-vous tenter par l’aventure du Mont Rose...

Pour les groupes constitués, nous vous proposons d’organiser votre séjour à la date de votre choix, sur demande.

Your trip day to day

Day 1: Gressonney - Mezzalama refuge

The guide welcomes you at the meeting point and checks your equipment. We take the ski lifts up to 2672 metres altitude. We descend into the Val di Verra along beautiful paths through the mountain pastures then gently make our way along the moraines to reach the bucolic Mezzalama refuge at an altitude of 3004m.

Overnight stay and meal at the refuge.

Altitude difference: + 1050m / - 700m. Stage time: 7 to 8 hours.

Day 2: Pollux, 4091m ascent - Ayas refuge, 3425m

Departure in the night for the ascent of Pollux, 4092m. This is a beautiful, mainly glacial route along the Verra glacier. You’ll need to be in good physical condition to reach this first summit at over 4000m where the splendid view over the entire Monte Rosa range will award you. We then reach the Ayas refuge at 3425m.

Night and meal at the refuge.

Altitude difference + 1100m / - 700m. Stage time: 6 to 7 hours.

Day 3: Castor (4223m) traverse - Quintino Sella refuge, 3585m

We’ll continue our journey by the Castor crossing, 4223m, a splendid aerial ridge. From the summit, the view over the great glaciers of Monte Rosa and part of the Alpine arc is just stunning. We descend to the Quintino Sella refuge at 3588m.

Overnight stay and meal at the refuge.

Altitude difference: + 700m / - 800. 6 to 7 hour stage.

Day 4 : Naso du Lyskamm 4272m traverse - Gnifetti refuge, 3647m

A beautiful day ahead of us. After a hearty breakfast, we’ll tackle the ascent and then the traverse of the Naso du Lyskamm, 4100m. The steep slopes require careful attention and precise use of crampons, but what a reward to climb this summit with its so aesthetically pleasing ridges! Descent to the Gnifetti refuge, 3647m.

Overnight stay and meal at the refuge.

Altitude difference: +600m/-1000m. Stage time: 6 to 7 hours.

Day 5: pyramide Vincent 4215m - Zumstein 4563m highest peak of the Monte rosa massif

We’ll round off this high-altitude trip by climbing the Pyramide Vincent (4215m), the Zumstein, the Parrot Spitze (4432m) or the Signalkuppe (4554m); the choice of the summit will depend on mountain conditions and the fitness of the participants. Whatever the summit, the 360° views on the Mont Rose glaciers will leave you a strong and lasting emotion. We’ll take the cable car down to Gressoney.

Difference in altitude: +700m to 1200m/ - 1200 to 1500 m. Stage 6 to 8 hours.

End of out trip late afternoon in Gressonney.

NB : The programme is intended as a guide only. It could be modified at any time by the mountain guide for safety reasons, weather conditions or regarding the physical and technical level of the participants.

min/max people

2 participants maximum. Departure is guaranteed from 2 participants. You will be notified at least 7 days before departure in the event of cancellation. Where possible, an alternative solution will be offered.

Private guide booking is also available on the date of your choice, alone or with friends or family, price on request.

NB : For cancellation conditions for privatised trips (made up groups) please refer to our conditions of sale.

Equipment : gear and clothing

Personal equipment

Hiking in high mountain requires being able to cope with all weather and environmental conditions which can change very quickly. Appropriate equipment guarantees safety and represents an essential part of the success and comfort of your climb/stay.}
You will not necessarily use all the items on this list which but you must nevertheless have them in your bag.

All of this equipment is technical and generally quite expensive. Please note that we offer some of this equipment for rental, they are indicated by a * in the list below, you will find rental prices in the "Gear rental and extras prices" section. Please note, the mountaineering kit that we offer for rental only includes individual technical equipment (mountaineering boots, crampons, ice axe, harness, helmet); clothing (gore tex jacket, soft shell fleece, goretex pants) are not part of it.

Equipment hire and changes to your booking are only possible before payment of the balance of your booking (45 days before departure). We advise you to take the time, upon registration, to list the equipment you already have.No equipment initially rented from ROC ECRINS and not taken or used on the day of departure will be refunded.

Important, if you have your own personal equipment: the legislation regarding P.P.I. (personal protective equipment, this is the helmet, harness, and sunglasses) limits the use of the equipment over time. They can be used for 5 years from the date of purchase. Beyond this date, your equipment is considered to no longer be up to standard. You can find all the information regarding P.P.E. here >


At high altitudes, snow reflects UV rays and the sun’s rays are not as well filtered by the atmosphere; even a cloudy sky allows 90% of UV rays to pass through, so it is essential to protect yourself against the dangers of the sun.

  • A pair of class 4 protection sunglasses is highly recommended for everyone and very strongly recommended for sensitive eyes. They’ll come in handy on a ski holiday too.
  • Sun cream high protection (index 50 recommended) for face and lips; remember to take the smallest size possible (no large tubes)
  • a cap for the approach walk (prefer a soft model with no large seams that can be worn under the helmet)
  • a ski mask (indispensable in case of gusts of wind or snowfall)
  • a beanie hat that can be worn under the helmet (without pompoms)
  • a helmet* approved for mountaineering ( 5 years max since date of purchase)
  • a neck gaiters or Buff(avoid scarves)
  • a headlamp with loaded batteries!!!


When making a prolonged effort at altitude, the principle is to be able to layer different garments according to the intensity of the effort and the weather conditions (temperature, wind, snowfall, rain), in order to stay as dry as possible.

NB: ski clothes are not suitable because they are often too warm, too heavy and not very breathable.

Upper body

  • First layer: a long-sleeve base layer in a breathable, quick-drying material such as merino, wood fibre..., cotton to be avoided(to protect you from UV rays and for safety in the event of a fall).
    Second layer: a lightweight fleece or soft shell jacket*. Ideally, it should be windproof and breathable. Put it on as soon as the temperature cools, usually when you arrive on the glacier.
  • Third layer: a warm, compressible down jacket (synthetic or down, -10°C protection). It will keep you warm during a long stop on the route, at the summit while you take photos, on the refuge terrace, and sometimes even while walking in very cold weather.
    Fourth layer: a gore tex* windproof jacket to protect against rain and snow. This is the waterproof jacket that keeps you dry in bad weather. It must be lightweight and breathable.
  • a mountaineering harness* (5 years max from date of purchase)

Lower body

  • a thin pair of tights in fleece or cotton, ideally ¾ so as not to make the socks too thick. You’ll need them in case of very cold weather, and you can put them on at the hut at the start of the ascent if necessary. You can also use it as nightwear.
  • Mountaineering trousers: mountaineering trousers are water-repellent, windproof, breathable and hard-wearing. You can also take hiking or trekking trousers that aren’t too light (as long as you have a gore tex overtrouser to put over them). NB: mountaineering trousers are not available for hire
  • an overtrouser* in GoreTex or equivalent material: these are very light trousers that you put over your trousers in case of rain, wind or snow. They have zips along the legs, so you can put them on quickly at any time without having to remove your shoes.

The hands

  • a pair of thin gloves in fleece, softshell or leather for the climbs to the refuge.
  • one pair of thicker gloves like ski gloves
  • a pair of VERY WARM Mittens (if your ski gloves aren’t warm enough), which you’ll put over the thin gloves when you get to the top and for the descent.


  • Mountaineering boots* (crampon-compatible): these boots are different from hiking boots. They are rigid, which will enable you to crampon on ice while providing good support for the ankle and crampons. They must also be waterproof and offer excellent protection against the cold.
  • Hiking or mountaineering socks : these should be warm and well-fitting and high enough to rise above boot level to avoid overheating. One pair is enough for a 48-hour mountain run. You can also take a pair of very light mini-socks to put on in the refuge in the evening while your pair of technical socks dry.
  • a pair of crampons* with anti-boot in good condition and sharp, suitable for your boots,
  • a mountaineering ice axe* light and long, suited to your height, it should almost reach the ground when in your hand with your arm extended alongside your body.
  • gaiters* which will keep your feet dry in fresh snow; they also prevent crampon points catching on the bottom of your trousers.
    NB: all refuges provide slippers, so you don’t need to take extra shoes.

Guide’s tip for 48-hour tours: as most of the time the refuge is reached on footpaths, you can plan to go up and down in trail trainers (soles with crampons) to protect your feet from the heat that can be caused by the rigidity of mountaineering boots (you’ll need to have your mountaineering boots in your bag). You can leave your trainers at the refuge before setting off on the climb and pick them up on your return.

This adds weight, but it can be very useful for those with sensitive feet - the choice is yours...

And last but not least

  • Telescopic walking poles* with snow washers (8 cm minimum diameter ). Not compulsory but highly recommended; they will help you on the way up and take the strain off your knees on the way down.
  • water : make sure you have enough water for around 2 litres, ideally a one-litre plastic bottle plus smaller ones (around 25 cl) to keep warm and close to your body in your jacket. Water bags are not suitable for use at high altitude because they freeze! You can use them, but only when going up to the refuge.
  • energy food (cereal bars, dried fruit...depending on your habits),
  • small thermos 500ML max (not compulsory, a hot drink can be comforting but it adds weight...)
  • camera: prefer a small size that you can slip into your pocket, no need to bring a large camera that risks being damaged. Besides, with the cold the battery would be empty very quickly.
  • small first aid kit adapted to your personal needs, also containing elastoplast and double-skin dressings for any blisters. If you are taking medication, take only the number of tablets you need. Pack a few paracetamol tablets as it’s not uncommon to suffer from headaches when at altitude.
  • micro Toilet Bag: just the bare essentials (toothbrush, mini tube of toothpaste...) and, very important, earplugs for a good night’s sleep in the refuge.
  • a bed liner (meat bag): compulsory for nights in refuges. All the refuges are providing pillows and duvets but these are obviously not washed after each passage.
  • a bin bag to isolate your wet stuff in case of rain or a waterproof overbag.
  • documents always useful to have with you in a small waterproof bag: ID proof, references of your assistance insurance if you haven’t taken out the policy we offer.
  • A small amount of cash for personal expenses (drinks, etc.) in the refuges (most of the refuges don’t accept payment by credit card).

And remember, all of the above must fit into:

  • A mountain rucksack* of around 35 litres (40 litres max) with ice axe holder and chest strap. The filled rucksack should not exceed 10 kg, including technical equipment (crampons, harness, helmet). Remember that weight is the mountaineer’s enemy. Once you’ve packed your rucksack, there should still be room for a picnic!

You should also bring a second bag (such as a soft travel bag) to store the items you don’t need for the nights at the refuge and to leave in your car.

High mountain : special warning


Mountaineering is dependent on different factors that we can sometimes neither anticipate nor control; we may therefore have to modify the programme of our high mountain holidays before or during the stay for various reasons:

  • if the weather and/or snow conditions make it impossible to carry out the planned programme and/or
  • if there is a delay in the opening or early closure of a ski lift or refuge

In these cases, we will offer you an alternative programme, sometimes on the day of departure, which you may not refuse.

Supervision standarts

Conditions in high mountain change throughout the summer and these changes can sometimes alter the supervision standards for each ascent. The supervision standards define the number of people that the mountain guide can supervise for each route and that standard can be modified during the season.
These changes may affect the price of the trip or the programme. Your registration for one of our trips or ascents means that you understand and accept this possibility.


Mountaineering exposes to random but real hazards, especially avalanches, rock falls, falls into crevasses and very low temperatures....To limit these risks, it is essential to follow the safety instructions given by the guide. You must be aware of these risks and accept them when you book a trip with us.

Health condition

No medical certificate required to take part in our trips, but it may be useful to check with your doctor that you have no contraindications (particularly in the case of chronic illness) to physical activity in the high mountains.

If you are undergoing any particular treatment, please let us know so that we can take appropriate measures if necessary.

Altitude can cause acute mountain sickness when you are not sufficiently acclimatised, also known as AMS. In most cases, it is accompanied by headaches, nausea and a general feeling of discomfort, but in the most serious cases it can lead to pulmonary or cerebral oedema, requiring an immediate descent.

That’s why it’s always a good idea, before any ascent or high altitude stay wherever possible, to do some hiking in the mountains or medium mountains, especially for those who live at sea level.

Skills and stamina level

Physical condition

Mountaineering is physically demanding.

To make the most of your stay, you need to be physically prepared.

Regular training over a period of several months prior to departure is essential: brisk walking, running, etc. (all sports that increase your cardio-respiratory capacity) practised regularly and intensively. Ideally, your physical preparation should include hikes of progressive difficulty if you live in a mountain environment; completing an outing with a 1,000-metre gradient without suffering will ensure that you have the qualities required for this journey in the Monte rosa massif.


Given the altitude and the climbs, previous mountaineering experience is necessary especially roped climbing and using crampons.

N.B.: If you do not have the required level, the guide may ask you to leave the course for the safety of the whole group.


By state-certified mountain guides or trainees mountain guides (aspirant guides) from the Roc Écrins team. They will have a VHF radio connected to the emergency services, a satellite phone or a mobile phone. They will also have a collective first-aid kit.

*A trainee mountain guide is a guide in training who is authorised to work and supervise climbs from their third year of training. They are not beginners, as it takes several years of practice and training to build up a list of routes and have the experience and technical level required to enter the mountain guide training course.


To take part in one of our stays, you must be properly insured for the chosen activity (rescue and repatriation costs) in the event of an incident or accident occurring during the stay. (We strongly recommend that this also includes cancellation cover). It is your responsibility to check the cover provided by your personal insurance policy. If you do not have such an insurance, you can take out the EUROP ASSISTANCE contract when you sign up. The amount of the "ASSISTANCE" insurance covering repatriation, rescue and search costs represents 2.4% of the price of the stay. MULTIRISK" insurance covering assistance, cancellation, loss of luggage and interruption of holiday, represents 5.6% of the price of the holiday.


First evening at the refuge Mezzalama Otorino, 3004m. A bit spartan but it’s the last refuge of its kind.

On the second evening, you will be welcomed at the Ayas refuge. It’s a fairly new (1991) and well maintained hut, and the welcome is very friendly. Despite the high altitude, it’s a comfortable refuge where you’ll feel right at home. The food is excellent, and the soup is undoubtedly the best of all the refuges in the Aosta Valley, even though there’s a lot of competition in this area!

The third night at the Quintino Sella refuge: the very first refuge to have been built by the CAI Biella section in collaboration with the CAI Varallo Sesia section, it was inaugurated on 15 August 1885. Since then, successive renovations have brought it all the comforts of a modern refuges. Simple but functional, it’s a great place to spend the night.

On your last evening, the Gnifetti refuge will enchant you with its exceptional panoramic views, a large bright dining room and tasty meals. Upstream from the Lys glacier basin, at 3647 m on the Garstlet Glacier, the refuge is equipped with shared bathrooms and washbasins, and hot showers. The rooms are heated.

Meeting point

Meeting time:


in Gressoney Staffal on the cable car car park (11020, Aosta, Valley Italy).


Price per person : 2100,00 €

For made-up groups of more than 2 people (possible regarding snow conditions), price on request.

Price includes:
  • Mountain guiding service, including their meals, overnight accommodation and lift access
  • Full board accommodation in mountain huts from the first evening to the lunch on the last day
  • Mineral water if there is no running water in the refuges and tea for thermos flask
  • Ski lift access
  • Organisation and reservations (accommodation, guide, equipment) of your stay
Price does not include:
  • Picnic on the first day
  • Personal expenses: snacks, drinks, etc
  • Individual technical equipment rental (mountaineering boots, crampons, ice axe, harness, helmet)
  • liability, repatriation and cancellation insurances
  • Transport to and from meeting point and during the stay

Any other expenses not mentioned under the above section “the price includes”.

How to book

To book your trip :

  • complete the pre-registration form online
  • You will receive a booking contract by email. It sets out the details of your booking as well as the schedule and payment terms.
  • On receipt of this contract, the deposit of 30% must be payed within 4 days in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the contract. Your registration can only be confirmed when the deposit has been payed.
  • The balance must be paid 45 days before the departure. Please note that any balance not paid within 45 days of departure will be considered as a cancellation of your booking. Financial withholding would therfore be applied in accordance with our terms and conditions of sale.
  • For a of a booking made less than 45 days before departure, the total amount of the booking must be paid on receipt of the booking contract in accordance with the terms and conditions set out therein.

Gear rental and Extras prices


Title Details Price
Kit alpi 5 jours : Chaussures, casque, piolet, crampons, baudrier
185.00 €
Casque 5 jours
36.00 €
Chaussures 5 jours
59.00 €
Piolet 5 jours
35.00 €
Crampons 5 jours
44.00 €
Baudrier 5 jours
28.00 €
Bâtons 5 jours
33.00 €

