Welcome to a world apart, the kingdom of ice! The Hautes-Alpes and the Pays des Ecrins in particular can boast of being THE undisputed spot in this area. Physically demanding (but still accessible) and fun, ice climbing is practiced with ice axes in hand and crampons on feet, on frozen torrents with surprising and magnificent shapes.
For a half-day, a day, over a weekend or for a 4-day stay, come and try the adventure... In the Fournel and Freissinières valleys, world-renowned for the quality and variety of their sites , you can discover the activity on secure, easily accessible sites. For advanced training courses, head to Ceillac, Cerviéres, Les Orres, Crevoux and La Grave.
Our mountain guides, specialists in ice climbing, are in the field every day and know perfectly the characteristics of this living and changing material; they will take you where the conditions are the best for maximum safety.

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